This beautiful spiritual deck has been created to help you understand your energy blocks in different life areas, and new choices you can make to release karma and manifest abundance!
This deck includes:
- 6 Life Area Cards
- 47 Action Cards
- 10 Description & Card Draw Suggestion Cards
- A secret URL to download a FREE workbook to use with your card deck!
Read more about the deck here
I designed these beautiful journals to help you recognize your empowerment as a soul having a human experience! If you're struggling to know that you are worthy and deserving of abundance, try one or more of these in-depth journals to help you identify your trouble spots and discover actionable ways to overcome them:
* Anxiety Relief Journal
* Self-Worth Journal
* Manifesting Journal
* Self-Care Journal
When you purchase a journal, you receive a link to both a printable version (to print at home) or an editable, fillable version where you download it to your computer and type your answers right into the document. Reprint and reuse them as often as you need! View all journals on my Etsy page.
I recently created several more journals to help you explore your passion for energy, healing and manifestation:
* Coloring Pages - this is a 3-pack bundle of spiritual images like mandalas, goddesses and enchanting floral gardens to encourage creativity and relaxation
* Crystal Magic - indulge in your love of crystals and crystal healing with this informative journal! Discover crystals for healing and manifestation.
*Chakra Healing - learn about the 7 chakras of the physical body, and how to keep them balanced for health and well-being. There are journal prompts to help connect you with your chakras and your energy body.
* Manifesting with the Moon - Learn the different phases of the moon and how to manifest according to each phase! There is space for tarot and oracle card draws to keep you focused.
View all journals on my Etsy page.
HealthyLine combines heated natural gemstone therapy with FDA-approved technologies to enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being—allowing you to find healing anywhere. I have a therapy belt that I bought from them years ago, and it's fabulous for aches and pains! I also sleep with their magnetic converter, and I sleep soundly and wake up refreshed since I purchased it!
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) can be considered a subset of frequency healing since it explicitly uses electromagnetic frequencies to achieve therapeutic effects that stimulate and encourage the body's natural healing processes. These fields generate pulses of electromagnetic energy, which are believed to activate cellular processes and improve circulation. PEMF therapy is scientifically backed with various clinical studies supporting its efficacy, particularly in areas like pain reduction and inflammation reduction. The frequencies used in PEMF are specifically selected based on their ability to penetrate the body and affect cellular activity, making it a targeted form of frequency therapy.
Check out ALL of their patented PEMF Mats, Devices and Bedding by clicking the link below (I will earn a small commission with each purchase):
This is a 4-week guided journaling program to ease anxiety, stress, worry and negative thoughts, to help you achieve the emotional freedom you seek! It's downloadable and easily printed at home. 107-page journal plus 28 affirmation cards (or purchase separately).
Yes you can have the life of your dreams! One powerful technique is the 369 Manifesting Method, explained in detail in this journal. It's a 145-page journal that includes 3 full pages of affirmations and insight on how to phrase and write your affirmations and to track your progress. Download and print at home.