You could call me a change-maker...a wayshower.  I teach people about their energy field and how they can change their entire life by learning to clear energy blocks and take back their power.  Then, law of attraction takes over, allowing a flow of abundance they never had before, such as more money, better health, balanced relationships - however you choose to define your "abundance!" Once you raise your vibration and embrace your personal power, it simply cannot be any other way - abundance MUST flow.  This is universal law.

I've been blessed with the gift of Divine Communication and Intuitive Energy Healing, and for the past 15 years I've had the honor of helping hundreds of people around the world to change their lives for the better.      

I've mentored and trained in the following fields:  
* Akashic Records (past lives, karma, soul gifts)  
* Holy Fire Karuna® Reiki (Source energy for healing)  
* Channeling - specifically your Higher Self and your Spirit Guide team, in order to gain objective, soul-level information as to your life circumstances and how to change them.

Available on Amazon!

Speaking Her Truth

I was honored with the opportunity to contribute to this multi-author book, written by several women who are using their intuitive gifts to help change the world!  I'm sure you will be enlightened and inspired by each of our stories!    

You can buy "Intuitive: Speaking Her Truth" on Amazon. Click herefor the US direct link.  Be sure to leave a review!  For other countries, simply type the name of the book into the search bar on Amazon.

"Patty's work is nothing short of miraculous in helping you clear your unconscious blocks.  It's like she's inside your head and just gets what you have probably never told another soul.  Life just keeps getting better thanks to her help.  Dive in - you won't regret it!"
Kate W.


"After our first session my constant migraine headaches stopped and have never come back!  I reduced medical treatments and I'm feeling GOOD again! My relationship with my husband has also improved. I'm grateful every day for having found Patty!  I highly recommend working with her!"
Katy M. 


"If you are ready to really look honestly at your "baggage" then work with Patty!  It's an investment you will not regret! I feel lighter, happier, and I am able to make better choices for myself instinctively now. The transformation has been phenomenal. "
Michelle B. 
